Our People

Hugh Scott

Hugh Scott | Director

02 8076 8241
[email protected]

Hugh Scott and his team act on complex commercial disputes including high profile corporate litigation, white collar and regulatory actions and inquiries, trade practices, property, building/ construction, and insurance litigation. Clients have great success from Hugh’s early identification of critical issues and detailed hands on preparation.

Practice Areas

  • HIH Royal Commission and associated ASIC investigations, civil proceedings and successfully defending prosecutions and Building and Construction Industry Royal Commissions.
  • Insider trading investigations.
  • ATO investigations including Project Wickenby and major tax audits for top 100 public company.
  • ASIC investigations/interviews.
  • ICAC investigations.
  • Large commercial, construction, planning, environmental and equity litigation in Supreme Courts of NSW, QLD and the NT and appellant Courts.
  • Large and complex trust litigation in NSW, WA and Federal Courts.
  • Successful landmark High Court case concerning director’s and officers’ liability insurance.
  • Acting for major public company in commercial disputes, competition tribunal matters and commercial advices.
  • Acting personally for Judges of the Federal Court, New South Wales Court of Appeal and High Court.
  • Defending investor/securities Federal Court class action against an ASX-listed corporation.
  • Acting for major electricity generator in a Part IV restrictive trade practices action against global resources group in the Federal Court of Australia and on large long term coal supply contracts.
  • Acting for major electricity generator in the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the Court of Appeal against global resource companies.
  • Acting for directors in major corporate collapse litigation.


  • 1994 – Director, Speed and Stracey
  • 1990 – Master of Laws, University of Sydney
  • 1986 – Associate, Speed and Stracey
  • 1985 – Bachelor of Laws, University of NSW
  • 1985 – Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), University of NSW
Malcolm Stewart

Malcolm Stewart | Director

02 8076 8218
[email protected]

Malcolm and his team primarily specialise in providing strategic advice on litigation and disputes involving tax and trusts.

Malcolm is the Senior-Vice President of the charity Rule of Law Education Centre, and the not for profit Rule of Law Institute of Australia. He is also a Fellow of the Tax Institute of Australia.

Recent achievements include resolving major tax proceedings for high net worth individuals and large family offices; advising on complex Trust and Superfund litigation.

He will consider in appropriate cases acting in proceedings concerning Government overreach and constitutional questions.


  • 2019-2022- Recognised in the “Best Lawyers in Australia”
  • 2012- Master of Taxation, University of Sydney 
  • 2001- Master of Labour Law, University of Sydney 
  • 1988- Solicitor Admitted
  • 1985- Bachelor of Laws, University of Sydney
  • 1987- Bachelor of Economics, University of Sydney 
Peter Speed

Peter Speed | Director

02 8076 8243
[email protected]

Peter Speed and his team have considerable experience and expertise in complex commercial litigation and arbitrations (involving trusts, director’s duties, joint ventures, partnerships, real property, administrative law and Part IVA tax disputes) and in advising on competition law issues. His quantitative, analytical approach helps a number of Australia’s top 20 companies and some of Australia’s wealthiest individuals navigate their more significant and delicate issues.

Practice Areas

  • Acting in trust and director’s duty litigation and arbitrations including for Mrs Gina Rinehart in Rinehart v Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd (HPPL) (S143-2018; S144-2018) [2019] HCA 13; HPPL v Rinehart (No 2) [2017] FCAFC 208; HPPL v Rinehart [2017] FCAFC 170; Rinehart v Rinehart (No 3) [2016] FCA 539; HPPL v DFD Rhodes Pty Ltd [2020] WASCA 77; Wright Prospecting Pty Ltd (WPPL) v HPPL (No 9) [2018] WASC 122, WPPL v HPPL (No 10) [2018] WASC 407, WPPL v HPPL (No 11) [2019] WASC 266, WPPL v HPPL (No 12) [2019] WASC 285; Hancock v Rinehart (Trust Documents) [2018] NSWSC 1684; Rinehart v Rinehart [2015] NSWSC 1201 and in Sanwick Pty Limited v Kalyk [2016] NSWSC 100.
  • Acting in joint venture litigation including for Scentre Group in disputes with AMP and Lend Lease concerning jointly owned shopping centres: Westfield Management Limited (Westfield) v AMP Capital Property Nominees (AMP) [2012] HCA 54; AMP v Westfield [2011] NSWCA 386; Westfield v AMP (2011) 255 FLR 1; Westfield QLD No. 1 Pty Limited and Anor v Lend Lease Real Estate Investments Limited and Ors [2008] NSWSC 516
  • Acting in easement, compulsory acquisition, zoning and other real property litigation including in Westfield Management Limited v Perpetual Trustee Company Limited [2007] HCA 45; Westfield Management Ltd & Ors v Direct Factory Outlets Homebush Pty Ltd & Ors [2005] NSWCA 403; Bligh v Ausgrid [2017] NSWCA 95; Bligh v Ausgrid [2016] NSWLEC 75
  • Acting in tax and administrative law litigation and disputes with the Commissioner including for several of Australia’s wealthiest individuals, the partners of a partnership and in Macquarie Bank Limited v Commissioner of Taxation [2013] FCA 887
  • Acting in a partnership dissolution arbitration involving some of Australia’s wealthiest and largest landowners.
  • Acting for the successful applicant in the leading land tax case in the High Court and in other business and land valuation cases: Maurici v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2003] HCA 8; 212 CLR 111; 195 ALR 236; 77 ALJR 727 .
  • Acting for participants before the HIH Royal Commission, the Cole Royal Commission into the building industry and ICAC.
  • Advising corporations on and liaising with the ACCC in relation to competition law matters including mergers and acquisitions under section 50 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
  • Advising, making submissions for and appearing before various Parliamentary Inquiries on behalf of industry associations in relation to the competition law issues and proposed or potential legislative changes to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) including the cartel provisions.


  • 2006 – Master of Laws, University of Sydney
  • 2004 – Director, Speed and Stracey
  • 2000 – Senior Associate, Speed and Stracey
  • 1999 – Senior Associate, Barker Gosling Lawyers
  • 1997 – Lawyer, Barker Gosling Lawyers
  • 1994 – Lawyer, Leigh Virtue & Associates
  • 1993 – Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Law, University of Sydney
Daniel Appleby

Daniel Appleby | Managing Director

02 8076 8242
[email protected]

Daniel Appleby is one of the Managing Directors of Speed and Stracey. Daniel Appleby and his team address complex tax issues for some of Australia’s most successful families and their businesses, and international clients – specialising in tax advisory (domestic and international), structuring, estate and succession planning, tax controversy and audit. Daniel has extensive experience in business and trust advisory, and complex estate and business succession planning.

Practice Areas

  • Domestic and international tax and structuring advice to private groups, high wealth individuals, family offices, and other private clients.
  • Succession and estate planning for private groups and individuals.
  • Tax and structuring advice for managed funds, pooled investment entities and investors in and out of Australia.
  • Advising foreign investors and funds into Australia.
  • Obtaining private tax rulings from the ATO.
  • Taxation disputes including liaison with tax officers, ATO disclosures, tax mediations and negotiated settlements.
  • ATO risk reviews, audits, requests for information.
  • Establishing and acting for non-profit Deductible Gift Recipients, Charitable Institutions, private funds and industry representative bodies.


  • Author of Australian chapters of numerous international tax and trusts publications
  • Member of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law, the Law Council of Australia Tax Committee and private tax discussion groups.
  • Chartered Tax Adviser (FTIA)
  • Master of Laws (Taxation), University of Sydney, Bachelor of Business (UTS), Bachelor of Laws (UTS)
Ben Giles

Ben Giles | Managing Director

02 8076 8253
[email protected]

Ben Giles is one of the Managing Directors of Speed and Stracey. Ben Giles and his team practise in complex commercial and securities litigation and white collar and regulatory enforcement. He has extensive experience in commercial property disputes, financial services disputes and professional indemnity and directors & officers policy claims and disputes.  He also acts in substantial inheritance disputes.

Practice Areas

  • Commercial lease and property disputes for property developers and managers.
  • Financial services and corporate disputes concerning stockbroking, insider trading, market manipulation and ASIC enforcement, including white collar crime.
  • Professional indemnity insurance and directors’ & officers insurance claims and disputes.
  • Public and government inquiries and investigations including ASIC and ICAC.
  • Substantial inheritance and estate disputes.
  • Defending investor class action claims.


  • 2014 – Director, Speed and Stracey
  • 2008 – Master of Laws, University of Sydney
  • 2004 – Lawyer Speed and Stracey
  • 2003 – Tipstaff to Justice Gzell, Supreme Court of NSW
  • 2003 – Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours), University of Sydney
David Anderson

David Anderson | Director

02 8076 8224
[email protected]

David Anderson and his team advise on complex tax issues and provide strategic estate and business succession planning for individuals, their families and associated entities. David specialises in tax advisory, including domestic and international tax issues, tax controversy and ATO audits.

Practice Areas

  • Domestic and international tax advice to listed companies, private groups, high wealth individuals and other private clients. 
  • Providing complex tax advice for family business restructures and wealth planning and creation
  • Project Wickenby/ Trust Taskforce matters, voluntary disclosures to the ATO and the repatriation of foreign assets
  • Taxation disputes, audits, objections, private rulings, international exchange of information, ATO requests for information / documents and exercise of coercive powers
  • Estate and business succession planning, complex trust estates and trust law issues
  • Advising superannuation funds (including SMSFs) on tax issues and risk reviews
  • Advising on tax issues associated with executive and employee remuneration programs, including employee share / option schemes and performance rights plans
  • Advising foreign clients on tax issues for investing in Australia or commencing commercial operations in Australia
  • Advising Australian clients on outbound investment, including tax attribution and double taxation agreements
  • Acting for not-for-profit entities in gaining / maintaining tax exempt status


  • He is a member of the Challis Tax Discussion Group and a member (TEP) of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
  • 2019 – Recognised in 2019 Edition of “Best Lawyers in Australia” 
  • 2018-  Recognised in 2018 Edition of “Best Lawyers in Australia”
  • 2017 – Director, Speed & Stracey
  • 2014 – Senior Associate, Speed & Stracey
  • 2012 – Master of Laws, University of Sydney
  • 2011 – Senior Associate, King & Wood Mallesons
  • 2006 – Solicitor, Mallesons Stephen Jaques
  • 2005 – Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours), Macquarie University
  • 2005 – Deans Award for Academic Excellence in Law
  • 2005 – Bachelor of Commerce – Accounting, Macquarie University
Speed and Stracey

Miguel Cruz | Director

02 8076 8245
[email protected]

Miguel is a member of the tax advice and audit team. He regularly advises on trusts law and the taxation of trusts. He has been involved in complex transactions and restructures, advising on taxation aspects which include capital gains, stamp duty, GST and land tax. Miguel has driven successful tax ruling, exemption and objection applications in these areas.

Speed and Stracey

Caitlin Ryan | Director

02 8076 8252
[email protected]

Caitlin Ryan is a member of the complex commercial disputes and litigation team where she often acts and advises in respect of high-profile trust and corporate disputes.  She has a particular focus on trustee and directors’ duties and complex trust litigation. Caitlin also acts in substantial estate disputes and employment disputes. 

Practice Areas: 

  • Large and complex trust litigation in NSW and WA
  • Trustee and directors’ duties
  • Commercial,construction and environmental disputes and litigation in NSW
  • Commercial lease and property disputes for property developers and managers
  • Financial services and corporate disputes concerning stockbroking, insider trading,
    market manipulation and ASIC enforcement, including white collar crime
  • Substantial inheritance and estate disputes
  • Employment disputes


  • 2016 – Bachelor of Economics and Laws (First Class Honours in Law), University of Tasmania
  • 2017 – Solicitor, Speed and Stracey Lawyers
  • 2019 – Associate, Speed and Stracey Lawyers
  • 2021 – Master of Laws, University of Sydney
  • 2021 – Senior Associate, Speed and Stracey Lawyers
Bruce Stracey

Bruce Stracey | Co-Founder & Director

02 9251 8000
[email protected]

As co-founder and director of Speed and Stracey, Bruce Stracey has wide ranging experience as a commercial lawyer in business and corporate transactions, large scale commercial litigation, trusts and tax planning, finance, insolvency and reconstruction, mergers and acquisitions, IT projects, commercial property projects, cross border transactions, joint ventures and Estate and Succession Planning. His focus now, is acting as General Counsel to numerous high net worth family offices.

Practice Areas

  • Succession planning for high net worth private families, restructure and tax planning for family trusts and private company groups and cross border transactions.
  • Receivership, administration and rationalisation of complex corporate groups and workouts for financially troubled businesses.
  • Corporate group structures, joint ventures, financing and fundraising for corporate groups Australia wide and internationally.


  • 1977 – Master of Laws (Taxation and Commercial), University of Sydney
  • 1976 – Director and co-founder, Speed and Stracey
  • 1975 – Partner, Bartier Perry & Purcell
  • 1973 – Solicitor, Bartier Perry & Purcell
  • 1973 – Bachelor of Laws, University of Sydney

Robin Speed OAM | Co-Founder | Passed away February 2023

Robin Speed established the Rule of Law Institute of Australia which promotes the rule of law.


  • 2019 – Queen’s Birthday 2019 Honours list for a Medal in the Order of Australia for service to the law and charities
  • 2016 – Editor of the Book “The Magna Carta in Australia: Celebrating the 800th Anniversary of the granting of the Magna Carta”
  • 2008 – 2023: President Rule of Law Institute of Australia
  • 2007 – 2015: Secretary of the Lowy Institute of International Policy
  • 1976 – Co-founder of Speed and Stracey
  • 1967 – Master of Laws (First Class Honours), University of Sydney
  • 1964 – Bachelor of Laws (Ranked 3rd), University of Sydney
Speed and Stracey

Ian Murray | Senior Associate

02 8076 8248
[email protected]

Ian Murray is a member of the Commercial and Corporate Team where he acts on a wide range of corporate, trust and estate planning matters for some of Australia’s most successful entrepreneurs, families and their businesses.  He has specific interest in private mergers and acquisitions, corporate advisory, financial services, trust and corporate structuring and restructures, shareholder disputes, and business succession planning.

Practice Areas

  • Corporate advisory and corporate governance;
  • Mergers and acquisitions;
  • Company formation and joint ventures;
  • Trusts;
  • Business and investment structuring and restructuring;
  • Business succession and estate planning.


  • 2021 – Senior Associate, Speed and Stracey
  • 2018 – Master of Laws, University of Sydney
  • 2017 – Associate, Speed and Stracey Lawyers
  • 2014 – Lawyer, Sydney Law Practice
  • 2014 – Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce (with Distinction), University of Wollongong
Emily McKeith

Emily McKeith | Senior Associate

02 8076 8219
[email protected]

Emily McKeith is a member of the tax team, advising on complex tax issues and providing strategic estate and business succession planning for individuals, their families and associated entities.

Practice Areas

  • Domestic and international tax advice to private groups and high wealth individuals
  • Tax transactional and restructuring advice
  • Voluntary disclosures to the ATO
  • Taxation disputes, audits, objections, risk reviews and ATO requests for information
  • Obtaining private binding tax rulings from the ATO
  • Succession and estate plans for private groups and individuals
  • Advising Australian clients on outbound investments, including tax attribution and double taxation agreements


  • 2020 – Master of Laws, University of Sydney
  • 2020 – Senior Associate, Speed & Stracey Lawyers
  • 2017 – Lawyer, Speed & Stracey Lawyers
  • 2015 – Bachelor of Laws (Second Class Honours) with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Macquarie University
  • 2014 – Ernst & Young International Tax Advisory
  • 2013 – Macquarie University High Achievers Certificate for Outstanding Academic Performance

Shruti Nathani | Senior Associate

02 8076 8239
[email protected]

Shruti Nathani is a member of the tax team and works across a broad range of inbound and outbound tax matters concerning private groups, not-for-profits and funds. She also works on obtaining private binding rulings from the ATO, voluntary disclosures, objections, audits and other tax disputes.

Tiana Dumanovsky | Associate

02 8076 8256
[email protected]

Tiana Dumanovsky is a member of the tax team and advises on a wide range of tax matters including in relation to indirect taxes such as GST and Stamp Duty. Tiana also assists clients with ATO audits and reviews, ACNC charity registration applications, and estate and business succession planning.

Isabelle Silberling | Associate

02 8076 8233
[email protected]

Isabelle Silberling is a member of the tax team and advises on various tax issues including capital gains tax rollovers, controlled foreign companies, fringe benefits tax and disputes with the ATO. She has been involved with estate planning and business succession planning, as well as charity registration applications to the ACNC. Isabelle is also a Chartered Tax Adviser and Chartered Accountant.

Michael Johnson | Associate

02 8076 8230
[email protected]

Michael Johnson is a member of the complex commercial disputes and litigation team, advising and assisting on a wide range of disputes including estate litigation and administration, taxation, corporate, trust, commercial property and leasing disputes. Michael has experience briefing counsel and appearing in a range of jurisdictions.

Meg Donnelly | Associate

02 8076 8247
[email protected]

Meg Donnelly is a member of the complex commercial disputes and litigation team and works across a broad range of matters including corporate, commercial property, trust, and estate disputes. Meg is also admitted in New Zealand where she previously practised as a corporate and commercial lawyer.